251.020. For the purpose of sections 251.010 to 251.440, thefollowing terms shall mean:
(1) "Community affairs" includes those matters that areappropriate subjects of interest to the governing body of apolitical subdivision or to nonprofit private agencies andorganizations engaged in activities relating to special problemsof a political subdivision or a significant segment of thepopulation of a political subdivision;
(2) "Department", the department of community affairs,created herein;
(3) "Director", the director of the department of communityaffairs;
(4) "Governing body", the board, body, or persons in whichthe powers of a political subdivision are vested;
(5) "Local government", any political subdivision of thestate;
(6) "Political subdivision", counties, townships, cities,towns, villages, whether or not incorporated, special districtsexcluding school districts, housing authorities, land clearancefor redevelopment authorities, municipal, county, regional orother planning commissions and any other local public bodycreated by the general assembly or exercising governmentalfunctions.
(L. 1967 p. 357 § 2)*See note following § 251.010. Apparently the office of administration is responsible for administering §§ 251.150 to 251.440. Both the office of administration and the department of economic development have certain responsibilities in administering §§ 251.010 to 251.140.