251.190. The state office shall have the following functionsand powers:
(1) To provide general planning assistance to and for anycounty, municipality, or regional planning commission whenrequested by such local governmental unit or planning commissionto do so;
(2) To contract for, receive and utilize grants or otherfinancial assistance made available by the state or federalgovernment or from any other source, public or private, forperforming the functions of the state office. Nothing in thissection shall prevent or impair the powers of the regionalcommissions or other state agencies or local governmental unitsto contract for, receive or utilize grants directly from thefederal or local governments or from any other source, public orprivate;
(3) To provide assistance and coordination upon request inmatters relating to planning to state agencies and to local andregional planning units. All present governmental units whoengage in planning activities, including but not limited to stateagencies, other than the planning activities of the division ofcommerce and industrial development, which are transferred to thestate office created herein, planning agencies or commissions oflocal governmental units who are supported by local, state orfederal funds, shall in no way be affected, prevented or impairedin such planning activities;
(4) To develop a comprehensive state plan;
(5) To perform such other functions and activitiesconsistent with the general purposes of sections 251.150 to251.440.
(L. 1965 2d Ex. Sess. p. 908 ยง 5)