251.300. The regional planning commission may conduct alltypes of research studies, collect and analyze data, preparemaps, charts and tables, and conduct all necessary studies forthe accomplishment of its other duties; it may make plans for thephysical, social and economic development of the region, and mayadopt by resolution any plan or the portion of any plan soprepared as its official recommendation for the development ofthe region; it may publicize and advertise its purposes,objectives and findings and may distribute reports thereon; itmay provide advisory services on regional planning problems tothe local government units within the region and to the otherpublic and private agencies in matters relative to its functionsand objectives, and may act as a coordinating agency for programsand activities of such local units and agencies as they relate toits objectives. All public officials shall, upon request,furnish to the regional planning commission, within a reasonabletime, such available information as it requires for its work. Ingeneral, the regional planning commission shall have all powersnecessary to enable it to perform its functions and promoteregional planning. The functions of the regional planningcommission shall be solely advisory to the local governments andlocal government officials comprising the region.
(L. 1965 2d Ex. Sess. p. 908 ยง 14)