253.024. 1. On or before Wednesday after the first Mondayin January of each year in which the department of naturalresources desires to receive and expend moneys received from thefederal government in the next state fiscal year they shallsubmit to the senate appropriations committee, to the houseappropriations committee, and to the oversight division of thecommittee on legislative research plans for the expenditure ofsuch funds. In addition to other information which may berequired by the chairman of the committees, each plan shallcontain at least but not be limited to the following:
(1) Amount of federal funds required;
(2) Amount of state funds required, either directly orindirectly;
(3) The federal program number and its expected duration;
(4) The number of all new or additional employees requiredto administer the program, their salaries and the source of therevenue to maintain their salaries;
(5) Schedule, both chronological and fiscal, of theexpenditures of all funds involved in the program;
(6) Specific details as to the objective of the program forthe next fiscal year; and
(7) The projected completion date of the program.
2. A detailed performance report of each federally fundedprogram shall be submitted quarterly to the committees after thestart of the next fiscal year.
3. The department of natural resources may not addadditional federal programs to or expand current federally fundedprograms above a level specified in plans theretofore approved bythe legislature.
4. Programs which are to be continued for a period of morethan one fiscal year shall be submitted to the legislature forapproval or rejection.
5. Nothing in this section and section 253.022 shall beconstrued to apply to federal funds no part of which will beretained by the department of natural resources.
(L. 1972 H.B. 1477 ยง 2)