253.040. 1. The department of natural resources is herebyauthorized to accept or acquire by purchase, lease, donation,agreement or eminent domain, any lands, or rights in lands,sites, objects or facilities which in its opinion should be held,preserved, improved and maintained for park or parkway purposes.The department of natural resources is authorized to improve,maintain, operate and regulate any such lands, sites, objects orfacilities when such action would promote the park program andthe general welfare. The department of natural resources isfurther authorized to accept gifts, bequests or contributions ofmoney or other real or personal property to be expended for anyof the purposes of sections 253.010 to 253.100; except that anycontributions of money to the department of natural resourcesshall be deposited with the state treasurer to the credit of thestate park earnings fund and expended upon authorization of thedepartment of natural resources for the purposes of sections253.010 to 253.100 and for no other purposes.
2. In the event the right of eminent domain be exercised, itshall be exercised in the same manner as now or hereafterprovided for the exercise of eminent domain by the state highwaysand transportation commission.
(RSMo 1949 § 253.020, A.L. 1953 p. 317 § 3, A.L. 1961 p. 231)