253.375. 1. As a necessary adjunct to the operation andmaintenance of this memorial and historic site, as hereinprovided, there is hereby created a state advisory commission, tobe known as "The Thomas Hart Benton Homestead MemorialCommission", to consist of twenty members, ten members to beappointed by the director of the department of natural resources,five members to be appointed by the president pro tem of thesenate and five members to be appointed by the speaker of thehouse. The appointees shall be selected from outstandingindividuals, not restricted to citizens of the state, well-knownfor their interest in and knowledge of Thomas Hart Benton, hislife and his work, and in addition thereto, the director of thedepartment of natural resources, the chairman of the Missouriadvisory council on historic preservation, which advisorycommission, upon original appointment, is hereby empowered toorganize itself and to elect its own officers for such term orterms as the commission shall from time to time determine. Anyvacancy on the advisory commission shall be filled by the sameofficial who appointed the person who left the commission thuscreating such vacancy.
2. The commission shall be advisory to the division of stateparks and recreation of the department of natural resources onall policy and administrative matters pertaining to planning,operation and maintenance, including museum activities, theemployment of curators, staff employees or other persons, as maybe needed.
3. The members of the commission shall not receive anycompensation for their services, but shall be reimbursed fortheir actual and necessary expenses, excluding travel expenses,incurred within the state of Missouri in the performance of theirduties.
4. The commission is empowered, in behalf of the state, toaccept gifts, contributions, bequests of unrestricted funds, fromindividuals, foundations, corporations and other organizations orinstitutions for the furtherance of the objectives and purposesof this memorial.
5. The commission may request from any department, division,board, bureau, council, commission or other agency of this statesuch assistance and data as will enable it to properly carry outits powers and duties hereunder; and the director of thedepartment of natural resources shall make provision for thestaffing and servicing of the commission, and providing thenecessary funding to carry out its duties, from fundsappropriated or otherwise available to that department.
(L. 1975 S.B. 430 ยง 2)