253.380. 1. The state of Missouri may accept in trust a sumof money or other valuable assets to be held for a period of onehundred years in interest-bearing investments as a permanentendowment fund for the benefit and development of the PansyJohnson-Travis Memorial State Gardens. There is hereby createdthe "Pansy Johnson-Travis Memorial State Gardens Trust Fund" inthe state treasury. All money, funds, and securities given,bequested, or devised to the state of Missouri by Miss PansyJohnson for the benefit of the Pansy Johnson-Travis MemorialState Gardens and all other property, real and personal, acquiredthrough any grant, gift, donation, devise or bequest to or forthe use of the state of Missouri for such purpose shall bedeposited in the Pansy Johnson-Travis Memorial State Gardenstrust fund as a permanent endowment. All income, interest,rights or rent earned through the operation of the fund shallalso be credited to the fund. The money, bonds, and othersecurities of the fund shall be kept safely invested for a periodof one hundred years after receipt of the first payment orinstallment into the fund so as to earn a reasonable return. Thestate treasurer shall select such investments as are permitted bythe laws of Missouri and shall make such investments as he deemsreasonable and prudent.
2. Upon the expiration of one hundred years from the date ofthe receipt of the first payment or receipt into the PansyJohnson-Travis Memorial State Gardens trust fund, the governor ofthe state of Missouri shall designate the appropriate stateagency to utilize the money in the fund to establish, develop andmaintain the Pansy Johnson-Travis Memorial State Gardens. ThePansy Johnson-Travis Memorial State Gardens shall be in thenature of a permanent place of natural beauty and recreation andmay take the form of a botanical garden, flower garden orfountain park. The Pansy Johnson-Travis Memorial State Gardensshall be located east of the Gasconade River in that area of thestate which was Maries County as it existed in 1985 as describedin section 46.111, RSMo, as such section existed on August 13,1986.
3. The Pansy Johnson-Travis Memorial State Gardens shall bedesigned as a place of beauty utilizing flowers, shrubs, andtrees to include scenic pathways and rest areas but shall notcontain playgrounds, campgrounds, cooking facilities, or otherphysical recreational facilities normally found in state parksand recreational areas. A suitable marker shall be installed inthe gardens identifying the area as follows:
Pansy Johnson-Travis Memorial State Gardens dedicated to
the residents of Maries County, Missouri.
In memory of
Martin V. Johnson Malissie Travis Palmer
Ina Travis Johnson William James Travis
Ora Johnson Klein Jesse Hall Travis
4. The state treasurer shall be the custodian of all money,bonds, securities or interests and rights therein deposited inthe Pansy Johnson-Travis Memorial State Gardens trust fund and heand his sureties are responsible for his official bond for thefaithful performance of his duties in the safekeeping of allmoney or property in the fund.
5. Eighty-five years after the date of the receipt of thefirst payment or receipt into the Pansy Johnson-Travis MemorialState Gardens trust fund, the governor shall appoint a planningboard to begin planning and development of the PansyJohnson-Travis Memorial State Gardens, including the advanceacquisition of land, but the actual construction of the gardensshall not commence until the expiration of one hundred yearsafter the date of the receipt of the first payment or receiptinto the trust fund. The board shall consist of the statetreasurer or his designee, the person responsible for theoperation of the state park program or his designee, and threecitizens of this state who are residents of the area in which thePansy Johnson-Travis Memorial State Gardens will be located asprovided in subsection 2 of this section.
6. Funds for the Pansy Johnson-Travis Memorial State trustfund shall be expended only upon appropriation by the generalassembly.
(L. 1986 H.B. 1591 ยง 1)CROSS REFERENCE:
Transfer of trust fund to Missouri investment trust, reconveyance to state treasurer, when, RSMo 30.954