253.385. 1. Pursuant to the provisions of section 48 of article III ofthe Constitution of the state of Missouri, the department of natural resourcesis hereby authorized to acquire by purchase from funds appropriated orotherwise available to the department or to acquire by gift, if such gift isunencumbered by any lien or mortgage, the Rice-Tremonti Home at 66th and BlueRidge Boulevard in Raytown, Missouri, for the establishment of a statehistoric site as a tribute to Archibald Rice and his family who supplied foodand other essentials to pioneers striking out for a new home in the greatwestward expansion.
2. In acquiring this home, which may include both real and personalproperty, the department shall make adequate provisions for the proper care,maintenance and safekeeping of the property so that the home will be ahistoric reminder of the sacrifices of our forefathers and ensure that thehome is to be used and enjoyed by all the citizens of this state.
3. The attorney general shall approve the form of the instrument ofconveyance.
(L. 1996 H.B. 1237)