253.408. 1. Sections 253.408 to 253.412 shall be known andmay be cited as the "State Historic Preservation Act".
2. The director of the department of natural resources ishereby designated as the state historic preservation officer.The state historic preservation office shall be located in thedepartment of natural resources and shall be responsible forestablishing, implementing, and administering federal and stateprograms or plans for historic preservation and shall have thefollowing duties including, but not limited to:
(1) Direct and conduct a comprehensive statewide survey ofhistoric, archaeological, architectural, and cultural propertiesand maintain inventories of such properties;
(2) Identify and nominate eligible properties to theNational Register of Historic Places and otherwise administerapplications for listing historic properties on the nationalregister;
(3) Prepare and implement a comprehensive statewidehistoric preservation plan;
(4) Administer the state program of federal assistance forhistoric preservation within the state;
(5) Administer historic preservation fund grants asmandated by the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966, asamended;
(6) Provide public information, education and training, andtechnical assistance relating to the federal and state historicpreservation programs;
(7) Cooperate with local governments in the development oflocal historic preservation programs, and to assist localgovernments in becoming certified pursuant to the HistoricPreservation Act of 1966, as amended;
(8) Advise and assist federal and state agencies and localgovernments in carrying out their historic preservationresponsibilities;
(9) Cooperate with the National Advisory Council onHistoric Preservation, federal and state agencies, localgovernments, and organizations and individuals to ensure thathistoric properties are taken into consideration at all levels ofplanning and development;
(10) Administer the state unmarked human burial sites, asdetailed in sections 194.400 to 194.410, RSMo;
(11) Administer the historic preservation revolving fund,as detailed in sections 253.400 to 253.407; and
(12) Cooperate with the department of economic developmentin administering the main street Missouri act, as detailed insections 251.470 to 251.485, RSMo.
(L. 1991 S.B. 124 ยงยง 1, 2)