254.250. Each agent of the commission authorized to do so bythe commission shall have power:
(1) To employ such other person or persons as may besuitable and needed to render assistance in preventing the spreadof, or in suppressing forest, brush or grass fires; provided,however, that nothing in this chapter shall be construed torelieve the owner or one in control of lands upon which fires maybe started or burning, from the duty of preventing the spread ofor of the duty of suppressing such fires so far as may lie withinhis power, and no such owner or person in control nor anyone witha present vested interest therein shall receive compensation fromthe state or any agency thereof for helping or assisting inpreventing the spread of or in suppressing fires upon said lands;and no person who is responsible for starting fire shall receivecompensation for helping prevent the spread of or for suppressionof such fire.
(2) To enter upon any lands at any time for the purpose ofcarrying out the provisions of this chapter and any such rulesand regulations; and no action for trespass or damages shall lieagainst any such person or any person working under hisdirection, providing that in entering upon property he and theyshall exercise due care to avoid doing unnecessary damage.
(3) To exercise the foregoing powers and duties in any partof the state.
(L. 1945 p. 672 ยง 29)