256.010. The governor is hereby authorized to appoint, byand with the consent of the senate, one state geologist, whoshall be a person of competent scientific and practical knowledgeof the sciences of geology and mineralogy, and who shall be thedirector of the survey, and said state geologist may appoint suchassistants and subordinate assistants and laborers as may bedeemed necessary in order to make a thorough, scientific,geological and mineralogical survey of the state. The stategeologist shall serve for a term of four years unless soonerremoved by the governor.
(RSMo 1939 § 14875, A. 1949 S.B. 1089, A.L. 1961 p. 245)Prior revisions: 1929 § 13686; 1919 § 5752; 1909 § 6633
*The Reorganization Act of 1974 provides that the director of the department of natural resources shall appoint a state geologist. All powers, duties and functions of the state geologist were transferred to the department of natural resources by type I transfer.
Earthquake building and construction ordinances for certain cities and counties, duty of state geologist to notify state emergency management agency, RSMo 319.200