256.050. It shall be the duty of the state geologist and hisassistants, under the instructions and directions of thegovernor, to carry on, with as much expedition and dispatch asmay be consistent with minuteness and accuracy, a thoroughgeological survey of the state, with a view to determine theorder, succession, arrangement, relative position, dip orinclination and comparative magnitude of the several strata orgeological formations within this state; to discover and examineall beds or deposits of mineral contents and fossils; todetermine the various positions, formations, arrangement,composition, and utilization of the many different ores, clays,rocks, coals, mineral oils, natural gas, surface and groundwaters, and other mineral substances as may be useful orvaluable; to assemble and cause to be published an annualstatistical report of the mineral production in the state; tohave prepared topographic relief maps of areas and districts ofthe state toward the end of preparing a complete and accuratetopographic relief map of the state; to apply geologicengineering principles to problems of agriculture, conservation,construction and other scientific matters that may be ofpractical importance and interest to the welfare of the state; tocause to be reported on maps, charts, or by other appropriatemeans, the results of geologic investigations as saidinvestigations are completed; to publish or cause to be publishedany reports of work completed, in the form of maps, charts,pamphlets, bulletins, volumes, or circulars for generaldistribution; and to have prepared, and published, educationalbulletins on subjects pertinent to geological studies, fordistribution to educational institutions and persons interestedin geology, paleontology, mineralogy, physiography, and mining.
(RSMo 1939 § 14877, A.L. 1947 V. I p. 311)Prior revisions: 1929 § 13688; 1919 § 5754; 1909 § 6635