256.090. 1. To expedite the release of general informationor new discoveries, the state geologist may furnish such items tothe press and radio. The unpublished reports and data gatheredby the state geologist and his assistants shall be maintained inan open file at the headquarters of the division. To the extentconsistent with state and federal law, confidential data suppliedto the state geologist from outside sources shall cease to beconfidential and shall be placed in the open file at a reasonabletime after the completion of the project.
2. The state geologist is hereby authorized to furnish toeducational institutions, located within the state of Missouri,collections of minerals, rocks or fossils, but the division shallretain title to such collections. Educational institutions shallpay the expense of transporting said collections.
(RSMo 1939 § 14882, A.L. 1947 V. I p. 311, A.L. 1985 H.B. 383)Prior revisions: 1929 § 13693; 1919 § 5759; 1909 § 6640