256.115. 1. The office of the state geologist shallacquire copies of those underground mine maps that exist inmuseums and other repositories.
2. The owner or operator of each underground mine closed orabandoned before August 28, 1993, shall submit a true copy of allavailable maps of mine workings, shafts, slopes, tunnels, airvents or other openings to the mine map repository on or beforeone year after August 28, 1993.
3. The owner or operator of each operating underground minewishing to close a mine, either temporarily or permanently, shallsubmit a true copy of maps showing the location of mine workings,shafts, slopes, tunnels, air vents, or other openings beforeclosing or abandoning the mine.
4. Each map shall show at reasonable intervals theelevation in feet of the mine floor and mine back or ceiling.All elevations shall be based on an established and monumenteddatum, such as NAVD 1988. Such maps shall be oriented andpositioned in the Missouri Coordinate System 1983. The mapsshall show or note what horizontal control and vertical controlstations were used to position the maps. It shall be acceptableto use an adopted local horizontal and vertical datum, but therelation between the local datums and NAVD 1988 and MissouriCoordinate System must be given.
5. Each map or set of maps shall show the name of thecounty, township, range and section or U.S. Survey in which themine is located. The map shall also show the mine name, and mineowner or operator at the time of closing.
6. Each map shall contain a north arrow and scale. Eachmap shall be certified, signed, and sealed by the engineer orsurveyor in responsible charge of the map preparation.
7. The owner may, with the approval of the state geologist,submit maps of older parts of the mine even though they are notcertified by an engineer or surveyor, but they must be accurateand contain the information required in this section.
(L. 1993 H.B. 312 & 257 § 1 subsec. 3 §§ 2, 3)