256.405. The purpose of sections 71.287, RSMo, and 256.400to 256.430 is to insure the development of information requiredfor the analysis of certain future water resource managementneeds. It is intended to provide an important part of theinformation required in the technical assessment of current andfuture requirements for the regulation of water use orconsumption, or both, on a regional or statewide basis, as may berequired. The provisions of sections 71.287, RSMo, and 256.400to 256.430 shall not apply to dredging operations or waterwithdrawn or diverted from farm or other ponds or impoundments ofwater which collect and hold surface water and which are locatedupon property owned or leased by the withdrawer or diverter solong as the common law rights of downstream owners are notabridged, but the provisions of sections 71.287, RSMo, and256.400 to 256.430 shall apply to water withdrawn or divertedfrom wells or springs located on property owned by the withdraweror diverter.
(L. 1983 H.B. 271 ยง 2)