256.443. 1. The plan shall include a description ofthe project, the need for the project, land use andtreatment measures to be implemented to protect the projectfrom erosion, siltation and pollution, procedures for waterallocation, criteria to be implemented in the event ofdrought or emergency, and such other information as thedirector may require to adequately protect the waterresource.
2. The director shall only approve a plan upon adetermination that long-term reliable public water supplystorage is needed in that area of the state. Implementationof approved plans will be eligible for cost-sharing expensesas approved by the state soil and water districts commissionincurred for required land treatment practices to implementsoil conservation plans.
3. Water resource projects shall be eligible toreceive any gifts, contributions, grants or bequests fromfederal, state, private or other sources for engineering,construction or renovation costs associated with suchprojects, except that no proceeds from the sales and use taxlevied pursuant to sections 47(a) to 47(c) of article IV ofthe state constitution shall be used for such purposes.
(L. 1992 S.B. 661 & 620 ยง 19)