256.453. As used in sections 256.450 to 256.483, the following wordsand phrases shall mean:
(1) "Board of geologist registration" or "board", the board ofgeologist registration created in section 256.459;
(2) "Certificate of registration", a license issued by the board ofgeologist registration granting its licensee the privilege to conductgeologic work and make interpretations, reports, and other actions inaccordance with the provisions of sections 256.450 to 256.483;
(3) "Division", the division of professional registration;
(4) "Geologist", a person who has met or exceeded the minimumgeological educational requirements and who can interpret and applygeologic data, principles, and concepts and who can conduct field orlaboratory geological investigations;
(5) "Geologist-registrant in-training", a person who meets therequirements of subsection 7 of section 256.468;
(6) "Geology", that profession based on the investigation andinterpretation of the earth, including bedrock, overburden, groundwater andother liquids, minerals, gases, and the history of the earth and its life;
(7) "Practice of geology", the practice of or the offer to practicegeology for others, such practice including, but not limited to, geologicalinvestigations to describe and interpret the natural processes acting onearth materials, including gases and fluids; predicting and interpretingmineral distribution, value, and production; predicting and interpretinggeologic factors affecting planning, design, construction, and maintenanceof engineered facilities such as waste disposal sites or dams; and theteaching of the science of geology;
(8) "Public health, safety and welfare" shall include the following:protection of groundwater; buildings and other construction projectsincluding dams, highways and foundations; waste disposal or causes of wastepollution including human, animal, and other wastes includingradionuclides; stability of the earth's surface such as could be affectedby earthquakes, landslides, or collapse; the depth, casing, grouting, andother recommendations for the construction of wells or other borings intoearth that intersect one or more aquifers; and excavation into the earth'smaterials where stability or other factors are at risk. "Public health,safety, and welfare" does not refer to geologic work conducted to determinemineral resources or other resources as could be available for varioususes, teaching, or basic geologic work including making geologic maps,cross sections, stratigraphic determinations, and associated reports orother presentations;
(9) "Qualified geologist" or "professional geologist", a geologistwho satisfies the educational requirements of subsection 2 of section256.468 and who has at least three years of experience in the practice ofgeology subsequent to satisfying such educational requirements;
(10) "Registered geologist", a geologist who has met thequalifications established by the board and has been issued a certificateof registration by the board of geologist registration;
(11) "Responsible charge of work", the independent control anddirection of geological work or the supervision of such work pertaining tothe practice of geology;
(12) "Specialty", a branch of geologic study and work such asengineering geology, environmental geology, hydrogeology, mineralresources, and other related work requiring geologic education andexperience.
(L. 1994 S.B. 649, A.L. 1997 S.B. 320, A.L. 2008 S.B. 788)