256.459. 1. The "Board of Geologist Registration" is hereby createdto administer the provisions of sections 256.450 to 256.483. The officialdomicile of the board of geologist registration is the division ofprofessional registration. The division shall provide necessary staffsupport services, but all administrative costs of board operation shall bepaid, upon appropriation, by moneys in the board of geologist registrationfund created in section 256.465.
2. The board shall be composed of eight members, seven of whom shallbe voting members appointed by the governor with the advice and consent ofthe senate. The state geologist shall serve as "ex officio" nonvotingmember.
3. Five of the appointed members shall be registered geologists,except that this requirement shall not apply for the initially appointedgeologist members. Four members shall be chosen to represent experience indifferent geologic specialties. The fifth member shall be a geologistemployed by the state or a city or county. The initially appointedgeologist members must be eligible for registration pursuant to sections256.450 to 256.483 and must be registered pursuant to sections 256.450 to256.483 within twelve months following appointment to the board to maintaineligibility as a member of the board.
4. Two of the appointed members shall be public members. Eachpublic member shall, at the time of appointment, be a citizen of the UnitedStates, a resident of Missouri for at least three years immediatelypreceding appointment, a registered voter, a person who is not and neverwas a member of any profession licensed or regulated pursuant to thischapter or the spouse of such person and a person who does not have andnever has had a material, financial interest in either the providing ofprofessional services regulated by this chapter or any activity ororganization directly related to any profession licensed or regulatedpursuant to this chapter. The duties of the public members shall notinclude the determination of the technical requirements to be met forlicensure or whether any person meets such technical requirements or of thetechnical competence or technical judgment of a licensee or a candidate forlicensure.
5. Each geologist member of the board shall be a citizen of theUnited States and shall have been a resident of Missouri for at least threeyears immediately preceding appointment.
6. Appointed members of the board shall serve terms of three yearsexcept that two of the first appointed members shall be appointed toone-year terms and two of the first appointed members shall be appointed totwo-year terms. Members shall hold office until the expiration of theterms for which they were appointed and until their successors have beenappointed and duly qualified unless removed for cause by the governor. Noperson may serve more than two consecutive terms.
7. The board shall not be required to give any appeal bond in anycause arising under application of sections 256.450 to 256.483. Theattorney general shall represent the board in all actions and proceedingsto enforce the provisions of sections 256.450 to 256.483.
8. Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary, anyappointed member of the board shall receive as compensation an amountestablished by the director of the division of professional registrationnot to exceed seventy dollars per day for board business plus actual andnecessary expenses. The director of the division of professionalregistration shall establish by rule guidelines for payment.
(L. 1994 S.B. 649, A.L. 1999 H.B. 343, A.L. 2001 H.B. 567)