256.477. 1. No person shall employ fraud or deceit inobtaining the certificate of registration. A violation of thissubsection shall be a class B misdemeanor.
2. Any person found to have performed geologic workregulated under sections 256.450 to 256.483 in a negligent mannershall be guilty of a class B misdemeanor.
3. Any person who uses the seal of a registered geologist,other than the person to whom the seal was issued, shall beguilty of a class B misdemeanor.
4. The board shall revoke the certification of registrationfor a person convicted of any felony or any crime involving moralturpitude or sentence of imprisonment or probation in lieuthereof; or for any misdemeanor relating to or arising out of thepractice of geology affecting public health, safety and welfare.
(L. 1994 S.B. 649)