256.483. 1. Any person, firm or corporation who alters orrevises any document, map, or work signed or sealed by aregistered geologist, unless such alteration or revision iscountersigned and countersealed by a registered geologist, orchanges or alters the name or seal of another registeredgeologist, on any document, map or work; or otherwiseimpersonates another registered geologist, or presents orattempts to use as his or her own or on his or her own work thecertificate of registration or seal of another registeredgeologist shall be guilty of a class B misdemeanor.
2. Any person who gives false or forged evidence of anykind to the board or to any member thereof in testimony or inwritten communication, including, but not limited to, evidenceprovided to falsely obtain a certificate of registration shall beguilty of a class B misdemeanor.
3. Any person who uses a seal or signs any document under acertificate of registration which has expired or has beensuspended or revoked shall be guilty of a class B misdemeanor.
(L. 1994 S.B. 649)