256.615. 1. Wells abandoned by the landowner after August28, 1991, shall be plugged or caused to be plugged by thelandowner according to the regulations developed pursuant tosections 256.600 to 256.640. If the department makes a findingthat certain unusual conditions exist at a well, the departmentmay require that the same be plugged by a permitted well driller.
2. Any test hole which is drilled for undergroundexploration shall be plugged in accordance with rules andregulations developed pursuant to sections 256.600 to 256.640.
3. Any information obtained by the department whichidentifies a test hole or a monitoring well which was drilled inthe exploration for minerals shall remain confidential and shallnot be released by the division for a period of ten yearsfollowing the receipt of the information which initiallyidentified the test hole or monitoring well. The personsubmitting the report or the person for whom the well was drilledmay request that such information remain confidential for anadditional five years and the division shall grant such request.Any employee of the division who discloses confidentialinformation shall be subject to disciplinary action by thedivision and is guilty of a class A misdemeanor.
(L. 1991 S.B. 221)