256.655. 1. The commission may establish annual fees to bepaid by persons owning irrigation wells which measure six inchesin diameter or greater. Such fee may not exceed five dollars perwell without prior approval of the qualified voters as providedfor in sections 256.643 to 256.660. The commission may proposeto raise the fee to an amount not to exceed twenty-five dollarsper well. The fee shall be raised to such amount upon approvalby at least two-thirds of those voting on the question in thedistrict. The fee shall be set by the commission in an amountnecessary to produce revenue reasonably required to implement theprovisions of sections 256.643 to 256.660 and shall be based uponthe number of irrigation wells owned, water usage, size of theirrigation well or any combination thereof, adopted by thecommission.
2. Each owner of a new irrigation well drilled which is anirrigation well measuring six inches in diameter or greater shallpay a fee to the commission of fifteen dollars for each newirrigation well drilled and each owner of an irrigation wellmeasuring six inches in diameter or greater which is pluggedunder this chapter shall pay a fee to the commission of fifteendollars.
3. The commission shall meet at least quarterly and uponthe call of the president or any three members of the commission.
4. The fees authorized under this section shall not applyto any political subdivision or special district of the state.
(L. 1992 S.B. 661 & 620 ยง 27, A.L. 1993 H.B. 482)