256.710. 1. There is hereby created an advisory council to the stategeologist known as the "Industrial Minerals Advisory Council". The councilshall be composed of nine members as follows:
(1) The director of the department of transportation or his or herdesignee;
(2) Eight representatives of the following industries appointed bythe director of the department of natural resources:
(a) Three representing the limestone quarry operators;
(b) One representing the clay mining industry;
(c) One representing the sandstone mining industry;
(d) One representing the sand and gravel mining industry;
(e) One representing the barite mining industry; and
(f) One representing the granite mining industry.
The director of the department of natural resources or his or her designeeshall act as chairperson of the council and convene the council as needed.
2. The advisory council shall:
(1) Meet at least once each year;
(2) Annually review with the state geologist the income received andexpenditures made under sections 256.700 and 256.705;
(3) Consider all information and advise the director of thedepartment of natural resources in determining the method and amount offees to be assessed;
(4) In performing its duties under this subsection, represent thebest interests of the Missouri mining industry;
(5) Serve in an advisory capacity in all matters pertaining to theadministration of this section and section 256.700;
(6) Serve in an advisory capacity in all other matters brought beforethe council by the director of the department of natural resources.
3. All members of the advisory council, with the exception of thedirector of the department of transportation or his or her designee whoshall serve indefinitely, shall serve for terms of three years and untiltheir successors are duly appointed and qualified; except that, of themembers first appointed:
(1) One member who represents the limestone quarry operators, therepresentative of the clay mining industry, and the representative of thesandstone mining industry shall serve terms of three years;
(2) One member who represents the limestone quarry operators, therepresentative of the sand and gravel mining industry, and therepresentative of the barite mining industry shall serve terms of twoyears; and
(3) One member who represents the limestone quarry operators, and therepresentative of the granite mining industry shall serve a term of oneyear.
4. All members shall be residents of this state. Any member may bereappointed.
5. All members shall be reimbursed for reasonable expensesincurred in the performance of their official duties in accordance with thereimbursement policy set by the director. All reimbursements paid underthis section shall be paid from fees collected under section 256.700.
6. Every vacancy on the advisory council shall be filled by thedirector of the department of natural resources. The person selected tofill any such vacancy shall possess the same qualifications required bythis section as the member he or she replaces and shall serve until the endof the unexpired term of his or her predecessor.
(L. 2007 S.B. 54)Effective 1-01-08