257.030. 1. Jurisdiction over proceedings for theorganization of a river basin conservancy district lies with thecircuit court of the county in which more of the lands of theproposed district are situated than in any other county. Thecourt in which the proceedings are initiated shall thereafter,for all purposes of this chapter, except as hereinafter otherwiseprovided, maintain and have exclusive original jurisdictioncoextensive with the boundaries and limits of the district and oflands and other property within or affected by the district,without regard to the usual limits of jurisdiction of the court.
2. No change of venue shall be allowed in any proceedings byand under the court as provided in this chapter except incondemnation cases and except where the judge of the court shallbe disqualified under the laws of this state relating to thechange of venue in civil cases. In such situation the followingshall apply:
(1) If the judge of the court is disqualified, or ischarged, by a party of interest to any proceedings, with beingdisqualified, the judge shall take action under the change ofvenue law for civil cases to secure a judge from another judicialcircuit of this state to sit, hear the proceedings, and render adecision in the same manner as the regular judge has authority todo. The judge secured from another judicial circuit shall retainjurisdiction until the disqualification of the regular judge ofthe court is removed.
(2) The expenses of the judge secured from another judicialcircuit shall be paid in such amount and manner as provided bythe laws of the state relating to circuit courts.
(L. 1959 S.B. 199 ยง 3)