257.080. 1. Upon entering the order organizing thedistrict, the court shall establish an election districtcommission composed of the county clerks of the several countiesor parts thereof included within the river basin district, orwhere in any such county there is a board of electioncommissioners a member of the board shall be appointed. In theappointment the court shall designate a chairman and a secretaryof the commission from its membership.
2. The election district commission, within thirty daysafter its appointment, shall apportion the river basin districtinto six election districts on the basis of the river basin areadescribed in the court's order and the surveyor's map thereof,which election districts shall be as nearly equal in populationas possible, with the boundaries of each of the six electiondistricts to follow existing township, precinct or other electiondistrict lines except in the case of the outer boundaries of theriver basin district where the boundaries may necessarily cutacross the existing lines.
3. When the election district commission has so divided ariver basin district it shall report the action to the court.The court shall review the report and approve it or ask forcorrections or changes. When the report is finally approved bythe court, the court shall thereupon designate each electiondistrict by number, from one to six.
4. The further duties of the election commission shall be:
(1) To advise the court, or the river basin conservancydistrict board when it is organized, of matters pertaining toelections, and election areas and boundaries.
(2) To supervise and conduct the first election of trustees,by and under order of the court.
(3) To redistrict the election districts of the river basinconservancy district, when so requested by the river basinconservancy district board, in a manner similar to the initialestablishment of election districts provided for herein.
5. Prior to the establishment of the river basin conservancydistrict board and receipt of sufficient tax moneys by it, traveland necessary expenses of the election district commission shallbe paid by the county commissions of the counties within orpartially within the river basin district on a pro rata basisrelating to the proportion of each county's lands to the wholearea of the river basin district; but such expenses shall beincluded in the costs of the court proceedings if the voters donot approve establishment of the district, and shall be repaid tothe respective counties accordingly. In event of establishmentof the district such expenses shall be repaid by the districtboard to the respective counties out of the first funds receivedfrom annual levies. Thereafter the expenses of the commissionshall be paid directly to it by the district board. Authorityfor incurring expenses by the commission shall originate in anorder of the court or the board, as the situation requires.
6. Changes in the personnel and offices of the commission,for any reason, shall be effected by the court, and the districtboard after it is organized, in a like manner as appointmentsmade in the initial establishment of the commission. After thedistrict is established, the board secretary shall serve assecretary of the commission.
7. The duty performed by the court with respect to theelection commission, election districts and areas, as providedherein, shall be for purposes of properly establishing a riverbasin conservancy district and its board, and shall notthereafter be a further duty of the court, but shall vest in thedistrict board as an administrative responsibility.
(L. 1959 S.B. 199 ยง 8)