257.160. 1. The time for election of trustees of the boardof the conservancy district shall be on primary election days,except as provided herein for the first board election.
2. There shall be eight trustees selected to constitute theboard of the conservancy district. They shall be selected asfollows:
(1) Six shall be elected, each to represent one of the sixelection districts of the conservancy district and to be electedby voters within his election district.
(2) Within sixty days after the first board election orsucceeding elections for trustees, as the case might be, thegovernor, by and with the advice and consent of the senate, shallappoint one trustee to represent election districts one, two andthree, one trustee to represent election districts four, five andsix.
(3) Trustees elected or appointed to the first board fromelection districts one, two and three shall hold office until thenext primary election. Trustees from election districts four,five and six shall hold office until the second biennial primaryelection after their selection as members of the first board oftrustees. Thereafter the terms of office of all eight trusteesare for four years, election or appointment as provided herein tooccur at the time of each primary election at which therespective previous terms of office expire.
(4) Candidates for election to the board of trustees shallbe citizens of the United States, voters within their respectiveelection districts for one year next preceding the election, andat least thirty years of age. In addition to possessing suchqualifications, trustees appointed by the governor shall havepreviously demonstrated a broad knowledge and interest in thefields of natural resources, agriculture, forestry, or businessand industry, and shall, wherever possible, come from a differentarea within their respective election districts from that of theelected trustees.
3. Notwithstanding any other provisions herein to thecontrary, trustees whose terms of office expire shall hold officeuntil their successors are elected or appointed, as the case maybe, and until such successors are qualified.
4. In event of the vacancy of the office of any trustee, forwhatever reason, before expiration of the term for the office,the following procedure shall govern:
(1) In the case of an elected trustee or a court appointedtrustee, the court shall appoint a qualified person to serveuntil the next election, at which time there shall be elected atrustee to fill the unexpired term, if any, in the mannerprovided for the regular election of trustees.
(2) In the case of a trustee appointed by the governor, thegovernor shall appoint a qualified person to serve until the nextelection, at which time the unexpired term, if any, shall befilled by appointment following the election as herein providedfor. A qualified person for vacancy appointments shall be thesame as provided in the case of appointments by the governor asotherwise provided in this chapter.
5. (1) Any elected trustee, or any other officer of anydistrict, not a trustee, may be removed for cause after a hearingupon a motion filed in the original case in which the districtwas organized.
(2) Any court appointed trustee may be removed by the court.
(3) Any trustee appointed by the governor may be removed bythe governor.
(L. 1959 S.B. 199 ยง 16, A.L. 1978 H.B. 971)