257.180. 1. Each trustee, before entering upon his officialduties, shall take and subscribe to an oath before a suitableofficer that he will honestly, faithfully and impartially performthe duties of his office, and that he will not be interesteddirectly or indirectly in any contract let by the district, whichoath shall be filed in the office of the clerk of the court inthe original case.
2. The board of trustees shall choose one of their numberpresident of the board, and shall elect some suitable personsecretary, who may be a member of the board or a paid employee.
3. The board shall adopt a seal, and shall keep a record ofall its proceedings, minutes of all meetings, certificates,contracts, bonds given by employees and all corporate acts, whichshall be open to the inspection of all interested parties.
4. The trustees shall hold their meetings at such place andtimes as they may designate within the district. A majority ofthe trustees shall constitute a quorum, and a concurrence of amajority of those present in any matter within their duties shallbe sufficient for its determination.
(L. 1959 S.B. 199 ยง 18)