257.190. 1. The secretary shall be the custodian of therecords of the district and of its corporate seal and shallassist the board in such particulars as it may direct in theperformance of its duties. The secretary shall serve also astreasurer of the district, unless a treasurer is otherwiseprovided for by the board. The board shall also employ or retaina registered, professional engineer as chief engineer, and suchother agents and persons as are needful; and may provide fortheir compensation, which, with all other necessary expenditures,shall be taken as a part of the cost of administration, ofvarious improvements or facilities or the cost of maintaining oroperating same. The chief engineer shall be superintendent ofall the works, improvements and facilities, and shall make a fullreport to the board each year, or oftener if required, and maymake such suggestions and recommendations to the board as hedeems proper. Such authority in the chief engineer shall notexclude the board from delegating the authority to an actingchief engineer, who is also a registered, professional engineer,when the chief engineer is not able or present to assume hisduties. Neither shall the board be excluded from the assignmentof administrative and business responsibilities to otherpersonnel.
2. The board shall require and pay for an adequate bond forthe secretary-treasurer, or secretary and treasurer, and suchother employees whose duties may require the bond.
3. The members of the board shall receive, for attending tothe business for and on behalf of the district, actual travelexpenses; and shall further receive not to exceed fifteen dollarsper day for each day that the board sits in meeting.
4. A certified public accountant shall audit the books ofthe district at the end of each fiscal year and report thereof tothe board which shall, by publication, issue the statement withinthirty days thereafter.
(L. 1959 S.B. 199 ยง 19)