257.400. 1. In the event of the disincorporation of anyconservancy district pursuant to the provisions of this chapter,the disincorporation shall not affect the lien of any tax imposedpursuant to the provisions of this chapter, or the liability ofany property in the district to the levy of any future tax forthe purpose of paying the principal of and interest on any bondsissued hereunder.
2. In that event, or in the event of any failure on the partof the officers of any district to qualify and act, or in theevent of any resignations or vacancies in office, which preventaction by the district or by its proper officers, it shall be theduty of the county clerk and of all other officers charged in anymanner with the duty of assessing, levying and collecting taxesfor public purposes in any county, municipality or politicalsubdivision in which such lands shall be situated, to do andperform all acts which may be necessary and requisite to thecollection of any such tax which has been imposed and to thelevying, imposing and collecting of any tax which it may benecessary to make for the purpose of paying the principal andinterest of the bonds.
3. Any holder of any bonds issued pursuant to the provisionsof this chapter or any person or officer being a party ininterest, may either at law or in equity by suit, action ormandamus, enforce and compel performance of the duties requiredby this chapter of any of the officers or persons mentioned inthis chapter.
(L. 1959 S.B. 199 ยง 40)