260.1053. As used in sections 260.1050 to 260.1101, the followingterms mean:
(1) "Brand", the name, symbol, logo, trademark, or other informationthat identifies a product rather than the components of the product;
(2) "Computer materials", a desktop or notebook computer and includesa computer monitor or other display device that does not contain a tuner;
(3) "Consumer", an individual who uses equipment that is purchasedprimarily for personal or home business use;
(4) "Department", department of natural resources;
(5) "Equipment", computer materials;
(6) "Manufacturer", a person:
(a) Who manufactures or manufactured equipment under a brand that:
a. The person owns or owned; or
b. The person is or was licensed to use, other than under a licenseto manufacture equipment for delivery exclusively to or at the order of thelicensor;
(b) Who sells or sold equipment manufactured by others under a brandthat:
a. The person owns or owned; or
b. The person is or was licensed to use, other than under a licenseto manufacture equipment for delivery exclusively to or at the order of thelicensor;
(c) Who manufactures or manufactured equipment without affixing abrand;
(d) Who manufactures or manufactured equipment to which the personaffixes or affixed a brand that:
a. The person does not or has not owned; or
b. The person is not or was not licensed to use; or
(e) Who imports or imported equipment manufactured outside the UnitedStates into the United States unless at the time of importation the companyor licensee that sells or sold the equipment to the importer has or hadassets or a presence in the United States sufficient to be considered themanufacturer.
(L. 2008 S.B. 720)*Contingent expiration date, see ยง 260.1092