260.236. The provisions of this act* shall be severable and if anyphrase, clause, sentence or provision of this act* is declared by a court ofcompetent jurisdiction to be contrary to the constitution, the validity of theremainder of this act* and the applicability thereof shall not be affectedthereby. All applications for permits or expansions of any solid wastedisposal area in progress prior to January 1, 1986, shall be processed by thedepartment under the statutes, rules and regulations in effect as of January1, 1986. Such applicant shall comply with the provisions of subsections 7 and10 of section 260.205, and shall meet the closure and postclosure requirementsfor currently permitted disposal areas within the time periods specified insections 260.226 and 260.227.
(L. 1986 S.B. 475)*"This act" (S.B. 475, 1986) contained numerous sections. Consult Disposition of Sections table for a definitive listing.