260.241. A permit shall not be issued to any person who is determinedby the department to habitually violate or to have habitually violated therequirements of the Missouri environmental statutes,* the environmentalstatutes of other states, or * federal statutes pertaining toenvironmental control or has had two or more convictions within Missouri,after August 28, 1990, and within any five-year period, for crimes orcriminal acts, an element of which involves restraint of trade,price-fixing, intimidation of the customers of another person or forengaging in any other acts which may have the effect of restraining orlimiting competition concerning activities regulated under this chapter orsimilar laws of other states or the federal government; except thatconvictions for violations by entities purchased or acquired by anapplicant or permittee which occurred prior to the purchase or acquisitionshall not be included, or who has offered, in person or through an agent,any inducement, including any discussion of potential employmentopportunities, to any employee of the department when such person has anapplication for a permit pending or a permit under review. A license orpermit shall not be issued to any person who has been adjudged in contemptof any court order enforcing the provisions of the Missouri solid orhazardous waste laws. For the purposes of this subsection, the term"person" shall include any officer or management employee of the applicant,or any officer or management employee of any corporation or business whichowns an interest in the applicant, or any officer or management employeeof any business which is owned either wholly or in part by any person,corporation, or business which owns an interest in the applicant.
(L. 1988 S.B. 535, A.L. 1995 S.B. 60 & 112)*Word "of" appears here in original rolls.