260.279. In letting contracts for the performance of any job orservice for the removal or clean up of waste tires under this chapter, thedepartment of natural resources shall, in addition to the requirements ofsections 34.073 and 34.076, RSMo, and any other points awarded during theevaluation process, give to any vendor that meets one or more of thefollowing factors a five percent preference and ten bonus points for eachfactor met:
(1) The bid is submitted by a vendor that has resided or maintainedits headquarters or principal place of business in Missouri continuouslyfor the two years immediately preceding the date on which the bid issubmitted;
(2) The bid is submitted by a nonresident corporation vendor that hasan affiliate or subsidiary that employs at least twenty state residents andhas maintained its headquarters or principal place of business in Missouricontinuously for the two years immediately preceding the date on which thebid is submitted;
(3) The bid is submitted by a vendor that resides or maintains itsheadquarters or principal place of business in Missouri and, for thepurposes of completing the bid project and continuously over the entireterm of the project, an average of at least seventy-five percent of suchvendor's employees are Missouri residents who have resided in the statecontinuously for at least two years immediately preceding the date on whichthe bid is submitted. Such vendor must certify the residency requirementsof this subdivision and submit a written claim for preference at the timethe bid is submitted;
(4) The bid is submitted by a nonresident vendor that has anaffiliate or subsidiary that employs at least twenty state residents andhas maintained its headquarters or principal place of business in Missouriand, for the purposes of completing the bid project and continuously overthe entire term of the project, an average of at least seventy-five percentof such vendor's employees are Missouri residents who have resided in thestate continuously for at least two years immediately preceding the date onwhich the bid is submitted. Such vendor must certify the residencyrequirements of this section and submit a written claim for preference atthe time the bid is submitted;
(5) The bid is submitted by any vendor that provides writtencertification that the end use of the tires collected during the projectwill be for fuel purposes or for the manufacture of a useable good orproduct. For the purposes of this section, the landfilling of waste tires,waste tire chips, or waste tire shreds in any manner, including landfillcover, shall not permit the vendor a preference.
(L. 2005 S.B. 225)