260.302. On June 19, 1992, and for three months thereafterand for the last three months of the year 1994 and every thirdyear thereafter, the governing body of a county may apply to thedepartment to request that the county be placed with anotherregional grouping or, if necessary, in a new regional grouping.After public notice and comment and within no more than ninetydays after the completed application has been submitted, thedepartment shall authorize any such change if the county clearlyand convincingly demonstrates that the change is necessary foreffective solid waste management within the county and will notnegatively affect the solid waste management system of eitherregion. The procedure for establishing solid waste managementregions set forth in section 260.300 shall take priority over andbe followed in exclusion to the rulemaking procedure set forth inchapter 536, RSMo, and section 260.225.
(L. 1992 H.B. 1732)Effective 6-19-92