260.310. 1. The authority of the district shall notextend to any county within the region which has not joined thedistrict.
2. The district may enter into a contract with any city orcounty within the district to provide all or part of the solidwaste management services for the city or county. A city orcounty shall not be required to meet the provisions of section260.220 or of section 260.325 if a district includes the city orcounty within its solid waste plan and the city or county has bycontract given the district complete authority for managing thesolid waste of the city or county.
3. The district and the counties and cities within thedistrict may enter into whatever contracts or agreements theydeem necessary to fulfill their responsibilities under thischapter. Nothing in this section shall preclude the transfer ofsolid waste outside the boundaries of the district.
4. Contracts issued for the collection or disposal of solidwaste in cities, counties, and districts shall not requireeither security instruments or performance bonds in excess oftwenty percent of the total cost of the contract.
5. Any county or counties which are within a solid wastemanagement district may, in cooperation with the district,require by ordinance or order that any solid waste transportedfrom outside the district to a solid waste processing facilityor solid waste disposal area within the district be subject tothe same requirements as solid waste originating from within thedistrict as set forth in the solid waste management plan undersection 260.325, including the separation of recyclable orcompostable materials from the solid waste stream beforeentering a district's solid waste management system.
6. A solid waste management district may be created andincorporated in each solid waste management region as providedin sections 260.200 to 260.345 and may exercise the powersgranted to it in sections 260.200 to 260.345.
(L. 1990 S.B. 530)