260.315. 1. There is hereby established a solid wastemanagement council for each solid waste management district,except for those districts which formulate an alternativemanagement structure pursuant to section 260.300. The governingbody of each city with a population over five hundred within thedistrict shall appoint one member of the city governing body andthe governing body of each county within the district shallappoint two members of the county governing body to the council.
2. Council members shall serve a term of two years and maybe reappointed thereafter; however, members whose elected termof office in a city or county has expired shall be expeditiouslyreplaced by the governing bodies from whence they were selected.
3. The council shall meet within thirty days of the receiptof notification of formation of the district at the call of thegoverning body of the county containing the largest populationamong those counties approving the formation of the district or,at the call of the director of the department, if the countydoes not call the meeting. A majority of the council shallconstitute a quorum.
4. The council shall:
(1) Organize itself and select a chairman and such otherofficers as it deems appropriate;
(2) Select seven persons to serve on the executive board,at least a majority of whom shall be selected from members ofthe council. The council shall establish the terms of officefor members of the executive board. The balance shall beselected in any manner approved by the council, includingdistrict-wide elections. Any subsequent member of the boardshall be selected in the same manner as the person he replaces.If the council is composed of twelve or fewer members, thecouncil shall act as the executive board;
(3) Meet at least twice annually and upon the call ofeither the chairman of the council or the chairman of theexecutive board; and
(4) Review and act upon the solid waste management planrecommended by the executive board.
(L. 1990 S.B. 530)