260.393. 1. This section shall not apply to the storage ortreatment of hazardous waste by a generator on-site or to thetransportation of hazardous waste out of state for treatment,storage or disposal.
2. Generators shall use, to the maximum extent feasible, thebest demonstrated available technology for source reduction,recycling, treatment, stabilization, solidification ordestruction, including, but not limited to, biodegradation,detoxification, incineration and neutralization before placingwaste in a hazardous waste disposal facility. Such hazardouswaste may be placed in a hazardous waste disposal facility onlyafter the generator evaluates appropriate technologies andemploys those capable of reducing, recycling, treating,stabilizing, solidifying or destroying the waste. In assessingthe best demonstrated available technology proposed by agenerator, the department shall give consideration to therelative economic feasibility of the technology, includingpotential future costs of cleanup and environmental damage. Suchtechnology shall render the hazardous waste sufficiently low intoxicity, reactivity and corrosivity as to present the leastpossible risk to human health and safety and to the environmentin the event of a release from a hazardous waste disposalfacility before placing hazardous waste in a disposal facility.
(L. 1988 S.B. 535)