260.510. The director:
(1) Shall provide technical advice and assistance to otherstate agencies, to political subdivisions of the state and toother persons upon request for the prevention, control andresponse to hazardous substance emergencies;
(2) May require the person having control over a hazardoussubstance involved in a hazardous substance emergency to cleanup the hazardous substance and take any reasonable actionsnecessary to end a hazardous substance emergency;
(3) May clean up a hazardous substance and take any actionsnecessary to end a hazardous substance emergency if the personhaving control over a hazardous substance fails to takereasonable actions required by the director to clean up suchhazardous substance or end such hazardous substance emergency;
(4) Shall take those actions necessary to clean up ahazardous substance or to end a hazardous substance emergency ifthe person having control over the hazardous substance cannot becontacted within a reasonable amount of time;
(5) May require a person having control over a hazardoussubstance involved in a hazardous substance emergency to takesuch corrective actions as may be reasonably required to preventa recurrence of hazardous substance emergencies;
(6) May clean up any release of a substance if such releaseis a threat to the environment.
(L. 1983 H.B. 528)Effective 6-27-83