260.535. Moneys received pursuant to the provisions of sections260.500 to 260.550 which are not required by article IX, section 7 of theconstitution to be distributed to schools shall be deposited in thehazardous waste fund created in section 260.391 and shall, uponappropriation, be used for control, abatement, analysis, cleanup,investigation and other reasonable costs incurred when responding tohazardous substance emergencies, or shall be used to reimburse the federalgovernment for federal funds expended for the purposes named in thissection. All other costs of the department necessary to carry out theprovisions of sections 260.500 to 260.550 shall be paid from the hazardouswaste fund, appropriated from general revenue or paid from availablefederal funds.
(L. 1983 H.B. 528, A.L. 1988 S.B. 535, A.L. 2000 S.B. 577)