260.710. 1. There is hereby created within the statetreasury an "Extended Care and Long-term Liability Account".In the event that Missouri is designated a host state, thegovernor and the general assembly shall allocate fee revenuesreceived pursuant to article VI(i) of the midwest low-levelradioactive waste compact to the account to adequately providefor the costs of:
(1) Decommissioning and other procedures required for theclosure of a regional facility;
(2) Monitoring, inspection and other procedures requiredfor the extended care of a regional facility;
(3) Cleaning up radioactive releases from a regionalfacility as is necessary to protect human health and theenvironment;
(4) Compensating any person for medical and other expensesincurred from damages to human health, personal injuriessuffered from damages to human health and damages or losses toreal or personal property, and cleaning up real or personalproperty as necessary because of radioactive releases from aregional facility; and
(5) Purchasing insurance or other similar financialprotection arrangements consistent with the purposes of theaccount.
2. This section shall in no manner limit the financialresponsibilities of the site operator pursuant to section260.715.
(L. 1983 1st Ex. Sess. S.B. 6 ยง 3)Effective 3-16-84