260.900. As used in sections 260.900 to 260.960, unless the contextclearly indicates otherwise, the following terms mean:
(1) "Abandoned dry-cleaning facility", any real property premises orindividual leasehold space in which a dry-cleaning facility formerlyoperated;
(2) "Active dry-cleaning facility", any real property premises orindividual leasehold space in which a dry-cleaning facility currentlyoperates;
(3) "Chlorinated dry-cleaning solvent", any dry-cleaning solventwhich contains a compound which has a molecular structure containing theelement chlorine;
(4) "Commission", the hazardous waste management commission createdin section 260.365;
(5) "Corrective action", those activities described in subsection 1of section 260.925;
(6) "Corrective action plan", a plan approved by the director toperform corrective action at a dry-cleaning facility;
(7) "Department", the Missouri department of natural resources;
(8) "Director", the director of the Missouri department of naturalresources;
(9) "Dry-cleaning facility", a commercial establishment thatoperates, or has operated in the past in whole or in part for the purposeof cleaning garments or other fabrics on site utilizing a process thatinvolves any use of dry-cleaning solvents. Dry-cleaning facility includesall contiguous land, structures and other appurtenances and improvements onthe land used in connection with a dry-cleaning facility but does notinclude prisons, governmental entities, hotels, motels or industriallaundries. Dry-cleaning facility does include coin-operated dry-cleaningfacilities;
(10) "Dry-cleaning solvent", any and all nonaqueous solvents used orto be used in the cleaning of garments and other fabrics at a dry-cleaningfacility and includes but is not limited to perchloroethylene, also knownas tetrachloroethylene, chlorinated dry-cleaning, and the products intowhich such solvents degrade;
(11) "Dry-cleaning unit", a machine or device which utilizesdry-cleaning solvents to clean garments and other fabrics and includes anyassociated piping and ancillary equipment and any containment system;
(12) "Environmental response surcharge", either the activedry-cleaning facility registration surcharge or the dry-cleaning solventsurcharge;
(13) "Fund", the dry-cleaning environmental response trust fundcreated in section 260.920;
(14) "Immediate response to a release", containment and control of aknown release in excess of a reportable quantity and notification to thedepartment of any known release in excess of a reportable quantity;
(15) "Operator", any person who is or has been responsible for theoperation of dry-cleaning operations at a dry-cleaning facility;
(16) "Owner", any person who owns the real property where adry-cleaning facility is or has operated;
(17) "Person", an individual, trust, firm, joint venture, consortium,joint-stock company, corporation, partnership, association or limitedliability company. Person does not include any governmental organization;
(18) "Release", any spill, leak, emission, discharge, escape, leak ordisposal of dry-cleaning solvent from a dry-cleaning facility into thesoils or waters of the state;
(19) "Reportable quantity", a known release of a dry-cleaning solventdeemed reportable by applicable federal or state law or regulation.
(L. 2000 S.B. 577, A.L. 2005 S.B. 170 merged with S.B. 225)Effective 7-06-05 (S.B. 170) 8-28-05 (S.B. 225)
Expires 8-28-12