261.030. The director of agriculture or his successor at lawshall investigate the marketing of farm products, including thecost of production and distribution thereof, furnish advice andassistance to producers, distributors and consumers and promoteeffectual and economical methods of marketing farm products. Thedirector of agriculture may establish, administer and enforce thestandards of grades, weights and measures established and/orrecommended by the United States Department of Agriculture,except as otherwise provided by the laws of this state. Thedirector may conduct shipping point and terminal market gradingand inspection service alone or in cooperation with the UnitedStates Department of Agriculture and license inspectors, issuecertificates on the products inspected, determine and collect andpay a reasonable service charge on the work done, and do each andevery act necessary to render the grading and inspection serviceof greatest value to Missouri agriculture. The director ofagriculture may publish bulletins containing information usefulto the producer and consumer; may conduct exhibits and doeverything necessary to provide ample material therefor; mayconduct and/or cooperate in any kind of activity for fosteringand promoting better handling, care, standardization and gradingof farm products, and he may pay cash premiums fromappropriations made in connection with agriculture exhibits,whenever in his judgment the same is desirable. The directorshall foster, encourage, and assist in the organization anddevelopment of cooperative associations and movement to aid insolving problems of marketing farm products; may collect anddisseminate by telegraph, mail or otherwise, timely informationuseful to producers, distributors and consumers concerning theweather, the supply, demand, prevailing prices, market conditionsand commercial movements of farm products, including quantitiesin common and in cold storage and may cooperate in thedistribution of farm labor insofar as found acceptable to thestate and federal labor departments.
(RSMo 1939 § 14288, A. 1949 S.B. 2090)Prior revisions: 1929 § 12626; 1919 § 12145
Egg law, director to administer, RSMo 196.311 to 196.361
Locker plants, regulation, duties of directors, RSMo 196.450 to 196.515