262.040. The leading objects of said experiment stationshall be to experiment with the different kinds of fruits, towit: Apples, peaches, berries of all kinds, grapes and smallfruits of all kinds, and to ascertain the varieties that are thebest adapted to this state, and to study the different diseasesand insects to which said fruits, berries and grapes are subjectand the remedies to prevent diseases and insects from injuring orinfesting said trees and orchards, with power to destroy andremove any infected trees or orchards if necessary in thejudgment of the manager and inspector of said experiment station,to keep the disease or insects or plague from scattering andinfecting other trees or orchards under rules herein set out.
(RSMo 1939 § 14053)Prior revisions: 1929 § 12386; 1919 § 11956; 1909 § 617