262.230. The commission, at such time as may be determinedby it, shall hold, annually, a fair upon the state fairgroundsabove designated; and at these fairs all important products ofthe state shall be recognized, according to merit, by premiums orrewards, for excellence offered by the commission, out of a fundprovided therefor by the legislature of the state, or from fundsthat may be otherwise provided. The commission may requireparties receiving awards for excellence or merit to provide acomplete history of how the exhibit was produced, and all otherinformation concerning the entry that would be of interest orbenefit to the general public; and provided further, that shouldthe state fail for three consecutive years to hold a fair, theland thus used for state fair purposes shall revert to theparties donating it.
(RSMo 1939 § 14155, A.L. 1994 S.B. 692)Prior revisions: 1929 § 12475; 1919 § 12044; 1909 § 676