262.300. 1. Within thirty days from the date of the orderof the county commission, as set out in section 262.290, anynumber of the petitioners exceeding twenty may proceed toorganize such society by electing not less than nine or more thanthirteen directors, who shall hold their offices one year anduntil their successors are elected; and the directors, when soelected, shall collectively form a board for the government ofsuch society, and in such board shall be vested all the corporatepowers and duties of every society incorporated as provided insections 262.290 to 262.540*; and for the purpose of electing thedirectors there shall be held annually, on the second Tuesday inDecember, or such other date as may be provided in the bylaws ofthe society, a general meeting of the members of the society.
2. All vacancies in the board of directors shall be filledby appointment of the board. No person not a member of thesociety shall be a director. In all elections by thestockholders each share shall entitle the holder thereof to onevote, and said shares shall be voted as now provided by law forelections in business and manufacturing corporations.
(RSMo 1939 § 14162, A.L. 1994 S.B. 692)Prior revisions: 1929 § 12485; 1919 § 12054; 1909 § 686
*Section 262.540 was repealed by S.B. 60, 1977.