262.320. It shall be the duty of the president to preside atall meetings of the board and of the society, and, in case of hisabsence, the vice president, and in case of his absence, suchother person as the members shall appoint; and it shall be theduty of the secretary to keep a record of the proceedings of thedirectors and of the society; and the treasurer shall give bondand security, to the acceptance of the board of directors, forthe benefit of the society, in such sum as they, or a majority ofthem, shall determine, conditioned that he will faithfullyreceive and pay over, on their order, all moneys or otherarticles, the property of the society, that may come into hishands as treasurer, which bond shall be deposited with thesecretary of the board of directors, and the said treasurer shallkeep fair and accurate accounts of all moneys and other articlesby him received as treasurer, and from whom received, and to whomand for what purpose paid out, and make report of the financialoperations of his office as often as may be directed by the boardof directors.
(RSMo 1939 § 14164)Prior revisions: 1929 § 12487; 1919 § 12056; 1909 § 688