262.330. The said board, a majority of whom shall form aquorum, shall have power to make, ordain and adopt a constitutionand all necessary bylaws, ordinances, rules and regulations forthe government of the board of directors and of the society, andfor the promotion of the objects for which it is designed; suchconstitution, rules, bylaws, ordinances and regulations of thesociety and of the board of directors shall be printed andcirculated among the members of the society within six monthsafter their adoption; and the president of the board shall causethe same to be carried into effect; provided, such constitution,bylaws, ordinances, rules and regulations shall not beinconsistent with the constitution and laws of this state.
(RSMo 1939 § 14165)Prior revisions: 1929 § 12488; 1919 § 12057; 1909 § 689