262.390. The members of any society organized under theprovisions of sections 262.290 to 262.540 shall be composed ofsuch persons, and none others, as shall have subscribed theirnames as such in the books in which the proceedings of thesociety and of the board of directors are or shall be recorded,and shall have paid annually to the treasurer of the society suchsum, not exceeding one hundred and fifty dollars per share ofstock in any one year, as may be established by the rules, bylawsand regulations of the society as a membership fee, and suchpersons shall be members only for the year for which they shallhave paid such fee; or, if the bylaws, rules, and regulations ofthe society allow, a member may volunteer his time to the societyin lieu of paying all or part of the fee established under thissection. Any person or stockholder not paying the regular annualmembership fee adopted by the board shall forfeit to the societyall stock and all previous payments, whether for stock ormembership.
(RSMo 1939 § 14171, A.L. 1992 H.B. 1595)Prior revisions: 1929 § 12494; 1919 § 12063; 1909 § 695