262.462. 1. The clerk or duly authorized official of acounty, municipality, or other political subdivision shall submita formal application to the director for matching funds, giving adescription and providing plans and specifications of theproposed project together with estimated costs and a resolutionpassed by the governing body of the county, municipality, orpolitical subdivision authorizing the application and the clerkor duly authorized official, upon notice of preliminary approvalshall submit such additional detailed information as may berequested by the director. Approved projects shall be completedas soon as possible.
2. Upon completion of a project and acceptance by thegoverning body of the county, municipality, or other politicalsubdivision, the clerk or duly authorized official of thatcounty, municipality, or political subdivision shall submit tothe director an itemized listing of services and materials,together with receipted invoices covering the services andmaterials or, in case of contracts, a copy of the contract, asummary of all bids received; and proof that all state laws andlocal ordinances concerning safety and building codes have beencomplied with.
(L. 1973 H.B. 310)