262.480. On or before a date set by the director ofagriculture the president and secretary of any fair oragricultural society claiming benefits under sections 262.450 and262.460, shall file with the director of agriculture a swornstatement in duplicate of the actual amount of cash premiums paidfor the current season, which must correspond with the publicoffer of premiums, and a further sworn statement that at suchfair or exhibition all gambling and gambling devices ofwhatsoever kind, and the sale of intoxicating liquors, and allobscene exhibitions, have been prohibited and excluded from thegrounds of such fair, agricultural society or exhibition, and alladjacent grounds under their authority or control. Suchstatement in duplicate shall be accompanied by an itemized listin duplicate of all premiums paid, upon which aid is claimedunder sections 262.450 and 262.460, two copies of the publishedpremium list of such fair, and a full detailed statement of thereceipts and expenditures in duplicate for the current year, allduly verified by the president and secretary of such fair,agricultural society or exhibition, and such other reports anddata as may be required by the director of agriculture.
(RSMo 1939 § 14182, A.L. 1947 V. I p. 21)Prior revision: 1929 § 12505